I made a brief stop in Amsterdam this weekend. I had to meet my boss at his house in Holland for a meeting. His house is an hour from Amsterdam so I thought "what the hell (sorry mom, I meant heck)" I will go and check it out.
I went to the Rijk Museumn and saw works of art from Rembrandt and Vermeer. No matter what photos you have seen of these artists, nothing is like seeing it in person. The paintings are amamzing!
I then took a canal tour by boat. It wasn't very interesting as I was sitting back the back of the boat and couldn't hear the descriptions of what I was supposed to be looking at. After 30 minutes I was bored and ready to swim back to the dock.
As always, there isn't enough time to see everything that I would have wanted to see but I am sure that I will be back in the future to see more.