I really thought I would be better about updating my blog but I see that it has been over a week since my last post. I am going to blame it on not having internet access at home. No worries though. I signed a contract (you sign a contract for everything here in Germany)for internet and phone service on Friday. Should only be without for another 10 days or so. Until then, I am once again working at Starbucks or the pub or any friend of mine that will give me the keys to their flats during the day.
I have been busy making my flat feel like home. On Sunday, I painted the entryway. It is a lovely shade of tan. It isn't easy to find neutral colors here in Germany. They seem to have a love of bright colors that I don't understand. When I was at the hardware store buying paint, the couple in front of me bought 5 liters of turquoise paint. For those of you unfamilar with the metric system this is about 1 1/2 gallons of turqoise paint. With that quantity I imagine that they are using it on their walls. Yuk! Same goes with the furniture shopping. The sofas are either so uncomfortable that you don't want to sit on it, in a horrible fabic that you can't stand to look at or outrageously expensive. My definition of outrageously expensive is 2000 euro ($3200 USD). For a sofa!!! I think I found one at Ikea that I can live with. I just need to order it. Dark beige sectional that pops up to a bed (visitors welcome at any time....hint hint) and 500 euro ($800).
Next week the kitchen and washing machine should be delivered!!!! Soon I will be able to cook and wash clothes. This will be a very welcome addition to my home. I am tired of eating cereal, sandwiches and salads. I also am running out of clean clothes. Which led to an interesting story. I was wearing a dress out at the pub. This is odd as it is a jeans and t-shirt type establishment. Everyone commented on my choice of clothes and I said it was because I was out of clean pants. The pub roared with laughter. Just so you know, in British and Irish english, pants is the equivalent of underpants/knickers/underware/panties. So everyone now thinks that I am the girl that doesn't have any clean underware and wears dresses. They think I'm the Britney Spears or Paris Hilton of Flynn's Irish Pub. It was a good craic! I still keep saying pants instead of jeans or trousers but eventually I will adjust and get it right.
I also am learning to ride my bicycle with a skirt/dress on. It isn't easy on a windy day, I will tell you that much. But I am learning to tuck the skirt so I don't give everyone a free show. I will return to the US with many new skills. :)