Well, I am officially another year older. I have a bit of a cold and don't feel well but it didn't stop me from celebrating. On Saturday, Dominic hosted a housewarming/birthday party at his flat. Eoin and I share the same birthday and a mutal laziness so it worked out well that Dominic hosted the party for us. Everyone was drunk and happy (myself included). Here is a tally of what approximately 25 people consumed:
77 beers
All the soft drinks!!
6 bottles of Becks Green Lime
Cask of Vogelbräu beer
One liter of "Neuwein"
One bottle of Sekt
2 bottles of red wine
2 bottles of white wine
1 bottle of Tequilla
three quarters of a bottle of rum
half a bottle of Vodka
A small amount of Ramazzotti
A small amount of peach Schnapps
It was a smashing success!
Sunday, I picked up Meo. He is 3 years old and a very sweet boy. I think he looks alot like Addie (who is doing well in her new home if you are wondering). He spent the evening checking out the apartment and rubbing his face on everything. I have missed having a pet so he is a much welcome addition to my flat.