A successful thanksgiving was had and a few lessons learned. I ended up hosting 7 people and 2 hound dogs for dinner. The menu consisted of pumpkin soup, salad, chicken, roasted potatoes, sweet potatoes with plantains, stuffing and pie. Dinner didn't actually start until 9pm as we were trying to wait for the late comers. Peple ended up eating in shifts which was a bit odd but we made do. Everyone ate and had a good time.
Lesson #1: Pumpkin pie filling made from real pumpkins is way better than from the can. I am never going back to the can.
Lesson #2: Irish time. You want the Irish to show up on time, tell them the start is an hour earlier than it really is.
Lesson #3: Don't assume anything. I asssumed that everyone knew that Thanksgiving is a sit down dinner (hence be on time). I didn't occur to me that no one had celebrated Thanksgiving before so they wouldn't know this.
Lesson #4: Puppies need to go outside frequently. Kunigunde (the little brown hound) had 2 accidents in the house.
I am thankful to be surrounded by my friends for Thanksgiving. It hasn't been the easiest year of my life and I am not sure I would have made it without them. Hope everyone had good Thankgivings as well.