Glückliches Neu Jahr! Happy New Year everyone! Yes, I know that my post are infrequent. I would like to think that this year I would be better about posting but I know I won't. It isn't on my list of things to improve on in 2010. So what is the plan for 2010 you might be asking....Good question.
1. Improve my german. I have been here 2 years now and while I can speak, it definitely needs work. Being the perfectionist that I am, I won't be entirely happy until I am fluent. This will take many years but I am determined to get there.
2. Find a new apartment. Yes, I know I said I would never move again but life changes and so must I. While I love my apartment (and I do mean I LOVE it!) it isn't big enough for 2 so we are searching for a new one. So far we have seen 6 apartments and none of them are right. I am holidng out for the perfect one.
3. Travel more. I am so excited that my CAH friend from New York is coming for a visit this summer. We are going to go to London, tour around Germany a bit and then go to Turkey. Viel spaß!!
That is it really. I have accomplished much in the 2 years I have been here and still love living here. I just want to relax and enjoy this year. The first 2 have been a bit chaotic so I am looking forward to a peaceful year.