Dawn and I spend the first 3 days in Turkey in a beach town called Bodrum. It was really nice and easy to navigate. First day of our holiday was spent pool side soaking in some much needed sun. Then we wanted to see some beaches and swim in the sea so we took a day long boat ride. They stop at 3 or 4 beaches through out the day. We had fun soaking up the sun and swimming in the Aegean Sea. On the last day we got massages. It was a little strange. He massaged my arm pits. Very weird. Next stop Istanbul.
After a London and a few crazy nights in Karlsruhe, we headed off to München. It is a lovely city. We did our best to make the most of the day that we had but we were a bit wrecked from the day before. I can't even tell you what we saw really. Just did alot of walking around and sight seeing.
Summer holiday season is upon us. One of my CAH friends from New York came over for a european holiday. I joined her in London. We had 3 days there and saw all of the major sites. We rode the Eye (rip off! It is boring, don't do it), Windor Castle, changing of the guard, Tower of London (who's loos have won many awards), London Bridge, Big Ben, Buckingham Palace. It was a good time! After London, we came back to Karlsruhe, then München and Turkey. More to follow.....
Although I said it would never happen, I would never move again...ever, it happened. We moved. And that isn't a typo, it is we. We officially got a new apartment and moved in together. The new place is much bigger (130 sq. meters) and has enough space for us both. It is a lot of work getting settled in but we are nearly finished. Still some painting that needs to be done and some new furniture needs to be bought but it is shaping up quite nicely. Pictures will soon follow.
I'm a 30-something American ex-pat who is living in Karlsruhe Germany. I started this blog to keep friends and family in the US up to speed on my doings as well as chronicle my 3 year tour of Europe.
Pimms and Lemonade -mix 3 parts lemonade with 1 part Pimms (preferably No.1) -add ice and fruit (my favorites are strawberries and mint but I think raspberries would be great as well) -enjoy!!
Jameson and Ginger -add ice cubes to a highball glass -add 1 ½ parts Jameson -fill with Ginger Ale -add a squeeze of Lime