Saturday, May 15, 2010

Stitches and Skype

I managed to make it 34 years in life with out stitches. That time has ended. In one of my clumsiest moments yet, I dropped a knife onto my finger. I was putting the dishes away and dropped the knife onto my index finger. Surprisingly deep cut resulted but no pain and not much bleeing. I went to the hospital just to see and they gave me 2 stiches.

Also this week, I signed up for skpe so everyone can call me for free!!! Just sign up for skype!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Verona Italy

This week I was in Italy for work. I did manage to get out between meetings to see a bit of the city. Verona is beautiful! I highly recommend it. The people are also very nice. I left my wallet behind in a restaurant bathroom. Someone who worked at the restaurant found it and has mailed it back to me. Hopefully it will be in my hands next week with everything in it (credit cards, cash, drivers license etc....). I must say I am surprised that it was found. I thought for sure it would be gone forever. Gratzi people of Italy Gratzi!!

More hiking photos....

Eva and I and the hound dogs went hiking a few weekends back. It started off really nice and sunny. Then turned to rain and hail. In the end it was sunny again. We celebrated our suvival with a few radlers and a sausage.