Saturday, December 20, 2008

Welcome Back to the USA

I would like to say that my trip back to the US has been a wonderful experience. However, we all know that would not be my life. Something just HAD to happen. The long flight back to the US caused me to develop a blood clot (DVT) in my leg. So today has been filled with doctor, emergency room visits, ultrasounds and clot dissolving medicine delivered via injections to the abdomen. Each day I have to go to the hospital for injections to the abdomen plus I will be taking blood thinners for at least 3 months. Monday they should be able to tell me if I can fly back to Germany on Saturday as scheduled. It has been an eventful trip back thus far.


the girl said...

yikes - no clot buster?!?
do they even make it any more?

merry christmas darling!

Cassie said...

Not sure if they do. But the size and position make it better to use the clot dissolving medication.